Sunday, 23 October 2016

Love your haters

"You pick up some fans and a handful of haters along the way"
- Bruno Mars

Haters gonna hate! This is what everyone says. Of course, everyone has haters, especially those aiming for something big in the life. Haters are prevalent in everyone lives like dirt in the water. Some of us think they have no haters. It's wrong! Like secret admirers, there will be secret haters who cover their feelings with the layer of fake friendship. Haters can be the people that don't believe in your work, ideas and lifestyle. It can be also who gets jealous of your phone or relation. Like black & white, left & right, lovers & haters exists.

Eminem has haters too! Look at Justin Bieber! He got a lot of haters like no one. Even, once I'm one of his haters. Now, I'm fascinated with him because he never got low of funny pictures against him in social media. Recently, his new songs ' Cold water' and 'Let me love you' surged in U.S charts. He did it because he never took any of his hater serious. Haters are fuel for your success!

I've faced haters in every inch of my life. When I'm in middle school, I came through a lot of obnoxious situations. There would always a person ready to drag me into the limelight. Even today, I still have been chased by those people. Whenever I remember those unpleasant situations, my eyes always get stuck and my heart rate gets down. No matter what, some memories always haunt us till the death. People laughed at me when I started this blog. LOL! They're still laughing. But, I never let others opinions influence my feelings. I always love my haters and thankful to them.

The quality of my posts depends on a number of critics. Because they always try to find something wrong and highlights that. Instead of getting low, I just correct it and I will make sure that kind of mistakes should not be repeated. They are experts at pointing out your flaws. A good friend will see the positive in you. But, a hater always points outs negative in you. They always help in your development. They always keep you challenged and motivated 24/7. Before you initiate something, you remember your hater than your loved one. This will keep you stay best at your work.

Having too much appreciation always around you is not good for you. Too much praise can ground you and your talent. When you remember that critics are watching you, you will understand that you're not up to the standards. A small praise can drown you and at the same time, a little criticism can ignite the fire in your heart. See criticism as a blessing in disguise. Haters always carry the negative energy. Convert that negative energy into the motivation like an induction stove converts the electrical energy into heat energy which is a successful product in the market. Convert that negative energy into the motivation for your success.

Great personalities like Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, and Oprah Winfrey breached through criticism and crowds of haters. They did it because they used that negativity for their motivation like a solar car uses solar energy to move.

You, I and we all have dreams to achieve. Where there is hate, there will be love too. All we need is the PATIENCE. And it's about how you'll interpret the situations around you. Everything is in your hands.

Never forget! This world always keep watching you!

Have a wonderful week ahead!

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