Saturday, 5 November 2016

Know Yourself

" The better you know yourself, the better your relationship with the rest of the world"
~Toni Collette
Hey everyone! I hope everything is going alright. I have a question! How many of you know perfectly about yourself? Nah! Don't think about your favorite color, sport, book, music or a selfie application. Our interests cannot define us. Beyond out taste and preferences, we are something big. We are something great. We are here on this earth for a reason. Remember! Everything happens for a reason. You and I here on this planet for a reason. Every life has a purpose. Even an ant have a purpose. Ecological imbalance occurs when they get extinct. Likewise, we are here to serve a purpose of nature. Unfortunately, we are been drifting through years without knowing the purpose of our lives.

We are lucky! Because we were born in the superior position on this planet. Thank god! We were not insects or any other low-level species. We are humans and we are blessed with a special power called IMPROVEMENT, where an animal cannot possess this. We can read books, observe situations, face problems and learn from them. We are eating, sleeping, mating and fighting and an animal does the same. We cry when we are hurt, they scream when they are hurt. What's the difference? Probably, clothes are the only difference. Seriously, we don't know who we are. We are in jeopardy. No one can save us but we can. Know the purpose of your life, know who you are. Are you really who you are right now? Question yourself, interrogate yourself. Are you on the right path? Are you really getting what exactly you want? What is your passion?

Start exploring yourself right today, right now! Draw your passions, write down what exactly your desires are. Know what exactly you want in your life. It might be wealth, fame or spiritual enlightenment. Go and dig your thoughts and experiences.

After reading many books, I realized I'm living the life which is not meant for me. I found, I was going to college, sitting in the class and coming home and sleeping with the money on my mind. One day I realized, money isn't everything, college education can't help me. I understood I was sent to this earth to serve others. I opened this blog to provide useful information. I never care about views and followers. I just check if the content I'm putting is useful or not.

There are two major tools which let you know yourself.

1. Journalizing: Make a habit of journalizing every aspect of your life including the bitter experiences. It's the process of having the conversation with yourself, it is you narrating the day to yourself, it is you exploring the world of you. No one can treat you better than yourself. By journalizing, you will know what you are doing and where you are going.

Journalize before the bed. Record what you have done in the day. Just put all your emotions and feelings on the paper. By doing this, you will know what's going in your life. Wherever I go, I just carry my journal with me. I record all my experiences, feelings. At the bottom line, I write "What I've learned today?" and I will try to answer. By doing this, one day you will discover the purpose of your life.

2. Meditation: Meditation is the ultimate gift given by the god. It is the ultimate tool to connect to our inner soul. Meditation isn't a big deal. It's all about concentrating on your breath and blocking the thoughts trespassing your mind. It helps in ignoring the world and allowing the positive energy into us.

I meditate about 20 minutes in the early morning. I drag all the energy from all parts of my body and focus at the breathing point. When I do that, I  feel the positive energy that coming from the sky flowing through all my chakras. Trust me, meditation will show you instant results.

P.S. I thank the personal mastery guru Robin Sharma for sharing his experiences in his books. His books showed the impact on my thinking framework. I recommend you to read his volumes.

Thank you! See you soon.

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