Sunday, 28 August 2016

Early bird gets the worm

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise"
- Benjamin Franklin

Hello, guys! How you're doing? is nothing in your control? confused with your frizzy tasks? can't get the things done with the time? don't worry! I'm here to fix your day. Before getting into the scene, let's go through my little story.

I'm one of those teens who hate to get up early. Especially in weekends!
One fine morning I woke up at 9:00 and shoved the curtains off. The sunlight rammed through the window and hit my face. I checked my mobile and the alarm that I've been setting from a lot of days is at 5:30 AM. Looking at my face in mirror and I asked myself

- What I'm doing?

- Am I going to end up here?

- What should I do now?

- Who would help me?

- Am I letting myself drift into the valley of mediocrity?

I realized, I'm weaving wings to my dreams instead of weaving them to me. I was devastated for a moment. I took it very seriously. I already know the common MANTRA for every successful person is EARLY RISING. Hot coffee mug in front of me is seducing me with its strong aroma. After having that, I captured a fleet of good thoughts which need cape of good hope. I made a strong decision to get up early in the morning. What really gets you up is not your alarm, its strong desire to get up early. Instead of making it a big deal, I made it so simple. I started waking up 15mins earlier than I used to be and developed it simultaneously.

All we need is a gradual training. Slow and steady wins the race! make your goals and plans realistic and achievable by breaking your chief goal into small segments. Finally, I mastered in waking up early. 
 Let's get into the scene. Let's see some benefits of getting up early.

1. Extra hour: This doesn't mean 24+1 hours. If you sacrifice 1 hour of your bedtime for the productive purpose, you can get much more done. So, 1 hour extra a day, 7 hours a week, 30 hours a month and 365 hours a year! you can do wonders with those hours. We want everything extra in our lives, why not an extra hour?
 2. Conversation with yourself: Every early morning you can renew yourself. You can have conversation with yourself in your mind. You can recollect all the mistakes you've done by asking yourself and you can find ways to avoid them in future. People become successful by knowing more by making more mistakes and they will never repeat them. Thomas Alva Edison failed over 10,000 times but he never admitted that. Instead, he said he just found 10,000 ways that won't work. In early hours you can connect to your inner soul by meditating. This is the powerful way to discovering yourself.

3. Body Maintenance: Whatever you do in morning, it will have a high impact on you. Studies show that morning workout have a higher impact that evening workout. If you're physically fit and healthy, you can be mentally strong. Good body and posture reflect your self-discipline. People who have better body shape and posture have 40% more probability than normal people in job interviews. Your body speak about you. The way you maintain your body shows how you're organized and disciplined.You'll be limelight! you will be one in them!

4. Positive Mental Attitude: If you have flexible a schedule and extra time for work, automatically without chaos in your mind you'll do things. Accomplishing tasks will improve your positive attitude. If you get results more than you expected, you will trust yourself. Delay in work will make you negative. People who don't have enough time always complain and blame others, they are the most unhappy creatures and stress themselves a lot. Never let this happen to you. Be smart at making choices! so, choose your lifestyle. You can't do something positive with the negative mind. 

5. Get Stress-free: Eventually, you'll get happy if you make getting up early a daily routine. Your emotional level will get relaxed and stress-free. The benefits of waking up early are almost instant. Walking through woods or gardening will help you recover from stress. Meditation in the early morning will enrich your thoughts and helps in knowing yourself. You will stay focused and cheerful happy all the time. You will able to maintain the same enthusiasm from getting from to going into the bed.

It took some to get used to waking up early. Change is not so easy, it costs you time, patience, persistence, and willpower. Now without any problem I'm waking up at 5 A.M, going for jogging, meditating and gardening. The results are visible to me. I can see myself improving day by day. I wake up with same enthusiasm every day. I'm a forever student of life lessons. I discovered my destiny and purpose of my life. It cost me nothing me but 2 hours of bedtime every morning. I've written this article purely based on personal experience. I always wonder now I don't need the alarm anymore. Depend on your desire, not on the alarm.

Thank You!


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